Zhengzhou Dongding Machinery Co., Ltd.

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DONGDIN FGX Dry Coal Separator

Add Time : 2019-12-14

FGX dry coal processing is an effective deshaling technology developed by Zhengzhou Dongding Drying Equipment Co. Ltd. The FGX compound dry cleaning separator provides an efficient, dry, and gravity-based separation.

FGX dry process benefits:

• Saving Water Costs. As a completely dry process, the FGX technology provides a coal preparation method that does not involve the use of water and its associated water treatment processes, thus saving water costs.

• Saving Transportation Costs. Since FGX deshaling is typically completed at mine sites prior to ROM coal being transported to prep plants, considering the skyrocketing diesel price, using FGX also results in saving transportation costs.

• Saving Processing Costs. By using an FGX separator, a certain amount of rock is rejected even before it enters coal prep plants. This means saving processing costs because prep plants do not have to wash unnecessary materials. Actually, in this case the feed to prep plants is deshaled product which is much cleaner than the original ROM coal, therefore, prep plant productivity is improved as well.

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