Zhengzhou Dongding Machinery Co., Ltd.

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Dongding Dryers Consider The Variety Of Coal

Add Time : 2019-11-28

Dongding system engineers take into account each of the coal types and application processes that require special considerations and unique drying system features.

For example, filter cake coals are very fine and typically hold a high volume of water. Therefore, a filter cake coal dryer must be able to handle high evaporation loads and high entrainment levels in the exhaust gases. Some coals, such as lignite, are subject to spontaneous combustion and explosions.

A coal dryer for lignite should include explosion venting, a water deluge system and possibly an inert gas or a re-circulated self-inerted process gas. Conversely, anthracite coal exhibits a high ignition temperature, rendering explosion vents or a deluge system in the coal dryer unnecessary.

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