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Two Use of Brewery Spent Grain

Add Time : 2019-07-16

Beer, is made from a wide range of grains, such as wheat, barley, corn and rice are used. After the fermentation process, wet fiber, called spent brewer’s grain, is a waste residue.
As spent grain comes from the brewery, it ass high moisture content, generally 78% to 86%.

What is the use for brewer spent grains? Here are two methods as following:
ANIMAL FEED. Small breweries frequently make arrangements for a farmer to pick up their spent grain. Usually spent grain is dehydrated by the screw press, to drain off some of the free water, the press cake is sold in wet (moist) form. Usually a moisture content in the range of 68% to 70% is specified.
BIOMASS PELLET FUEL. For larger breweries, they used to dry their spent grain down to 10% moisture and sell it, usually in pellet form, which can be the biomass pelleting fuel, efficiency and clear. It involves first pressing the waste and then drying the press cake in a rotary drum dryer. And it has various heating source, even can use the biomass pelleting as the heating source.

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