Add Time : 2021-03-09
1000t/d Coal Dryer Cases
Initial Moisture: About 35% Final Moisture: About 18%
Input Capacity: 1000 tons Output Capacity: About 800 tons
Fuel (coal slime) usage: 40 tons Coal Slime Dryer model: 3024
Rotary drum dryer diameter: 3.0 meters Rotary drum dryer length: 24 meters
This drying project designed for 24hour running per day, 26 days per month, which need to stop 4 days for exam and maintenance.
In this drying plant it equipped with Fluidized-bed furnance - Hopper - Coal grinder - Furnace - Rotary dryer - Bag dust collector - PLC control, it connect by belt conveyor.
Woke Site