Zhengzhou Dongding Machinery Co., Ltd.

3000t/d. Coal Slime Dryer Project

Add Time : 2021-08-20

Our customer’s company generates power by burning coal, which is sourced from nearby coal mines. The coal is transported to the power plant, where it is crushed into smaller pieces and then burned to generate steam, which drives the turbines to generate electricity. However the coal was being transported in a wet condition, which made it difficult to burn efficiently. Wet coal also created other problems, such as corrosion of the equipment and increased emissions. The power plant needed a solution that could dry the coal quickly and efficiently.

After evaluating various options, our customer decided to install a coal rotary dryer, that is used to reduce the moisture content of the coal before it is burned; and then they found us. 

We designed two sets of coal dryer system to meet our customer’s need. The coal dryers use hot air to dry the coal, and the coal is tumbled in the drum to ensure that it is evenly dried. These two sets of coal dryer system can process 3000 tons of coal per day totally, and it was equipped with state-of-the-art controls to ensure efficient operation.

The coal rotary dryer was installed and commissioned soon, and it has been operating smoothly ever since. The dryer has significantly reduced the moisture content of the coal, which has improved the efficiency of the power plant. The dryer has also reduced the emissions from the power plant, as the dryer ensures that the coal is burned efficiently.
Overall, the coal rotary dryer has been a major success. The company has improved its efficiency and reduced its environmental impact. Drying which process, we have a nice cooperation with our customer, and thanks our customer for choosing us.

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