Add Time : 2019-05-13

Yangta Project:
Inner Mongolia has plenty of coal mine, also it is the main place exploiting coal in China. Since the day we start drying machine business totally we have built dozens coal sludge production line in Inner Mongolia.
Raw material name: Coal slime
Location: Ordos city, Inner Mongolia China
Built time: Nov. 2017
Technical Parameter:
Initial Moisture: About 35% Final Moisture: About 18%
Input Capacity: 1000 tons Output Capacity: About 800 tons
Fuel (coal slime) usage: 40 tons Coal Slime Dryer model: 3024
Rotary drum dryer diameter: 3.0 meters Rotary drum dryer length: 24 meters
This drying project designed for 24hour running per day, 26 days per month, which need to stop 4 days for exam and maintenance.
In this drying plant it equipped with Fluidized-bed furnance - Hopper - Coal grinder - Furnace - Rotary dryer - Bag dust collector - PLC control, it connect by belt conveyor.
Daily Running
This drying project designed for automatically running, no need work man in the workshop, each shift need 3 workers. Fully monitored by camera, temperature adjusted by software.