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Steam Flue Gas Waste as Heat Resources for Coal Slime Drying

Add Time : 2019-09-19

How to reduce the production and running cost of slime dryer is a key link to save the whole project invest. The cost of drying heat source fuel input is a problem that has to be faced up. In addition to conventional energy such as gas, biomass, fuel oil and even electric heating, industrial production waste heat from waste gas and boiler steam generated in the process, can also be fully exploited.
For example, the amount of steam and tail gas generated by coal-fired power plants, especially coal gangue coal slime power plants, can be used as heat energy for drying coal slime. The later coal slime is used for power generation, recycling waste, opening up the industrial chain, forming a virtuous circle, effectively solving the conflicts between the environment and development, and reaching the “resources-products-renewable resources” advocated by the circular economy. The good situation has truly achieved a harmonious balance between economic benefits, social benefits and environmental benefits. At present, the state has also introduced relevant indu strial policies, focusing on tapping potential new slime dryer technology to achieve efficient use of steam flue gas waste heat resources.

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