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Why Do We Drying Wet Coal

Add Time : 2019-09-16

Surface moisture causes wet coal problems. Rain is the most obvious source of surface moisture, but plants must also deal with moisture from other sources. Regardless of how the moisture gets on the coal, its presence limits the amount of dry coal available for loading into the silos to fuel the facility.

Wet coal events are costly. A prolonged rain event coupled with wet coal in rail cars or barges can create a situation where neither the coal on site nor the coal being delivered is usable.

Manpower Cost. Clearing obstructions in coal handling equipment is hot, dirty, hazardous, time-consuming, manual work. No one wants to be down in a coal bunker or chute with a pick axe or a shovel, trying to clear out wet coal. The physical properties of coal make it a particularly difficult material to work with. Wet coal creates the conditions necessary for spontaneous combustion, a serious safety hazard if it occurs within the coal handling system.

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