This passage is talking about the benefits and applications of triple pass dryer.Learn More>>
Rotary Drum Dryer VS Rotary Kiln
This passage id talking about the similarity abnd differences between rotary drum dryer and rotary kiln.Learn More>>
Steam Flue Gas Waste as Heat Resources for Coal Slime Drying
Industrial production waste heat from waste gas and boiler steam generated in the process, can also be fully used for drying coal slime.Learn More>>
We need to dry wet coal because its stickiness, high labour cost and costly plants.Learn More>>
Mongolia Coal Slime Dryer Project Installation Site
ThepicsarefromtheinstallationsiteofMongoliaCoalSlimeDryerProject The1600T/DCoalSlimeDryingProjectisstrictlybuliltandinstalledbycustomersrequirements.Dongdinginstallationteamforcusondetailsperformationandtimelinessofsolvingtheon-siteproblems.Learn More>>